Upcoming events.
Date- Tuesday, May 14th, 2024
Format-Register using the link below.
Join us to learn about our upcoming Ayurvedic Health Counselor Program.

AAPNA 40th International Online Conference
Come watch Dr. Asavari Manvikar speak about the Ayurvedic Management of Migraines.

37th International Online Conference: Ayurveda & the Mind
Come watch Asavari Manvikar, Ayurvedic Doctor, speak about the role of Ayurveda and yoga in healing most common mental disorder: Anxiety. Dr. Asavari will be speaking from 2:30 - 3:30 pm CST.
This conference is hosted by the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA). To view the conference schedule and register click here

Info Session: Ayurvedic Health Counselor
Come join us to learn about Ayurveda, our flexible learning formation, and professional opportunities. Message us or email asavari@mnayurveda.com to get the Zoom link!
Check out our event on Facebook for more updates.